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Communication platform – central government

How does State Supervision of Mines (SSM) guarantee the reliability of answers from mining companies to questions from stakeholders in the gas and mining sector?

Ignite made a very good problem analysis. We hadn’t done that yet so completely. The solution, a communications platform, went in a different direction than expected, but we are very satisfied with the solution. We already had good information provision. The problem was that there were so many sources that as an inhabitant it was very unclear and unstructured. It has been brought together now in a manageable form, understandable and well-arranged.

Marielle Klerks
State Supervision of Mines

Building a platform for central government communication about mining

How can the design of a communication platform accommodate a sector where trust is low in creating an open and clear way of multi-stakeholder communication?



Mining is the systematic extraction of substances, such as oil, gas, salt, and geothermal energy, from the soil for special use or processing, with a specially equipped facility or infrastructure. There are still a lot of active mining sites in the Netherlands and many citizens living or working in the vicinity. Hundreds of residents and other interested parties ask Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen (translation: State Supervision of Mines or SodM as an acronym) very detailed questions about mining-related activities. Which costs them time when these can be better answered by the mining company themselves in many cases.


The question from SodM

How does Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen (SodM) guarantee the reliability of answers from mining companies to questions from concerned citizens in the gas and mining sector? And how do we ensure that stakeholders gain confidence in mining companies so that questions are asked directly to these parties instead of to SodM?
This challenge was presented by SodM at Startup in Residence (SiR) Intergov. SiR is a government startup program where Ignite Innovation won the pitch to participate and start working on this problem.



People ask SodM their questions because they do not trust mining companies. This is an interesting statement about the underlying problem. Why is there so much distrust?
Ignite Innovation tackles complex problems with many different stakeholders (e.g. mining sector) with an open innovation mindset. We do not assume that we have all the wisdom ourselves. Through in-depth research with all stakeholders, we aim to discover the root causes of the problems this sector is facing. By applying methods like design thinking we create solutions based on the analysis which are then tested in a fast (lean startup) way.

Interviews with stakeholders:

  • Staatstoezicht op de mijnen (SodM) – State Supervision of Mines 
  • Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) – State Department of Economic Affairs and Climate 
  • Residents 
  • Mining companies
  • Other parties such as local government municipalities, and activist groups.

For the SiR Intergov approach, an area in Friesland was chosen, where several forms of mining take place and where residents have many questions. Here we started interviewing all those involved, for example, residents, environment managers, and activist groups. We also immediately tested 3 possible solutions to the problem.

Main research conclusion:

Communication in the mining sector is fragmented, indirect, and complex. There is a lot of information available on all kinds of platforms, but little structure and overview. It is very difficult to find relevant and accurate information for a resident and their situation.  In addition, mining companies and the government regularly communicate on a different level or wavelength than residents. This makes residents not feel heard in their concerns which increases mistrust.

The first solutions were not yet sufficient for this problem because they looked at it from only one perspective. This problem is multifaceted and needs a multi-stakeholder design. 

Result: (mining activities). A new communication platform where all relevant information per mining location is bundled. Where residents can be kept informed by signing up for updates with just one click. And where government and mining companies can inform a large group of people with a single post. 

Benefits for residents:

  • From the moment of applying for a permit (a permit must first be issued for mining), you can receive updates on this platform about, for example, the granting of permits or activities at a mining site in your area.
  • You can find all parties involved, follow new developments, and sign up for an information evening, for example.
  • It is clear which information comes from which sender and all parties communicate at relevant times on the platform.
  • You can ask questions to the right party and frequently asked questions are shared so you can find an answer faster.

Benefits for communicating parties (government and mining companies)

  • Easy and informal ways of communicating with residents and other interested people.
  • A large reach with a single post or mail, saving time and money.
  • Questions are forwarded to the correct party, so no more double work is done.

What is next? 

This platform is currently being developed by Ignite Innovation in collaboration with EZK and SodM. A pilot launch is scheduled for summer/fall 2021. 

Do you want to know more about this platform or are you curious about what our way of working could do for your business or project?